The purpose of CHEK has always been to preserve the freedom of private home educators as well as parental rights in Kentucky.
CHEK opposed HB 58 in its original language. To protect private schools operating in homes, CHEK leadership met with legislators to discuss concerns. Reaching an agreement, we are very thankful the sponsor of the bill for amending the language to protect our private school status and to specify all that will be required of private educators at home is a scholarship report (report card). We have moved back to a neutral position.
New Language:
"Homeschool" which is not defined in Kentucky law, as we are a private school state was amended to "Private school at home".
"Adhere to the same academic standards as other participants verified by submission of quarterly scholarship reports provided to the public school offering the extracurricular activity in which the student will participate"
You can view the debate of this bill here. Coverage of this bill begins in Part 2 at the 36:00 mark and continues through Part 3. We are grateful to Representative Lee and Representative Moore for their staunch support and defense of families that choose to educate privately in their homes.
We highly encourage you leave a message for your Senator by calling the legislative message line. Let your position be heard. The number is 1-800-372-7181.
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