Thank you for calling, emailing, and writing your Representatives and
Senators! HB 279 –The Religious Freedom Restoration Act – had its veto
over-ridden! The voting was: House vote 79-15; Senate vote 32-6.
Religious freedom and homeschooling freedom goes hand-in-hand and by working together we can ensure that we and future generations have the right to homeschool!
Please send a thank you note to your Representatives and Senators today!
You can use the link provided here by the American Family Association of Kentucky to do so now! Groups/AFAKY/Advocacy/? IssueID=31292&SiteID=-1
Thank you,
Christian Home Educators of Kentucky
Religious freedom and homeschooling freedom goes hand-in-hand and by working together we can ensure that we and future generations have the right to homeschool!
Please send a thank you note to your Representatives and Senators today!
You can use the link provided here by the American Family Association of Kentucky to do so now!
Thank you,
Christian Home Educators of Kentucky
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