If you use Twitter, please use the following: @GovSteveBeshear #NOtoVeto #HB279 #protectreligousfreedom
How to get involved:
How to get involved:
make the call listed below because the Governor will need encouragement
— remember, this is the Governor who tried to change the state
“Christmas Tree” to “Holiday Tree” in 2009. Read below to see how HB 279 is nothing more than the FEDERAL law applied to our state.
groups asking the Governor to veto the bill are the ACLU and various
Gay/Lesbian groups that push “sexual politics” over religious freedom.
They’ve successfully seduced several Human Rights groups to jump on
their band wagon.
Here is where YOU come in –YOU really could make the difference.
Call the Governor’s message line and leave this kind, but firm message with a secretary . . .
Call 502-564-2611 and say . . .
“Sign HB 279 - The Religious Freedom Restoration Act.”
Call ASAP. The Governor’s Message Line is open Mon thru Fri from 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM EST.
Please 1) make the call IMMEDIATELY; 2) Share this blog post; 3) Share on Facebook, Twitter, and other Social Media.
send a handwritten letter of support to: Governor Steve Beshear, 700 Captiol Ave., Frankfort, KY 40601
send a handwritten letter of support to: Governor Steve Beshear, 700 Captiol Ave., Frankfort, KY 40601
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