Around the Nation:
This week has been all about the United Nations Disability Treaty. If you've not been a part of this conversation and aren't sure what all the "fuss" is about, be sure and read the article from Homeschool Legal Defense HERE. Also, you can print out this Fact Sheet to educate your family HERE.
Around the Commonwealth:
Kentucky is a great place to homeschool, no doubt about it. But much of the ease at which we homeschool in the Commonwealth is due to the behind-the-scenes work done at the local level by the many support group leaders throughout the state. Working with CHEK, these support group leaders are the first line of defense against unwarranted intrusion into the home and homeschool. Find a support group leader where you live HERE. If you're not already a member of CHEK, please consider joining CHEK today and partner with us in keeping homeschooling free in Kentucky! Join HERE. Your membership with CHEK qualifies you for the HSLDA discount, too!
To view the state of homeschooling in the Commonwealth, visit the HSLDA Kentucky page HERE.
Additional Helpful Resources:
Best Practice Document
Driver's License No Pass No Drive Document
Recommended Reading
CHEK isn't just the annual homeschool conference. The purpose of CHEK is:
1. To provide Kentucky Christian home educators and Christian home education support groups with a central source of information, Christian fellowship and cooperation.
2. To promote the Biblical mandate as expressed in Deut. 6: 4 -10, Prov. 22:6, Eph. 6:4 and other scripture that parents are to train their children in the nurture and admonition of our Lord.
3. To preserve parental freedom of choice in education and right of conscience as recognized and guaranteed by the Ky. Constitution, Section 5 of the Bill of Rights.
4. To provide home educators and the general public with information about the Biblical, academic, and legal aspects of home education and training.
5. To provide a common ground for families educating their children at home as a matter of Christian conviction, and the ability to communicate effectively with officials from the Dept. of Education and others.
Help keep homeschooling free in Kentucky, partner with CHEK today!
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