Helpful Resources to help you homeschool your special needs homeschooler!
Find practical, real-life, proven tips, techniques for homeschooling
your special needs child! Need a big dose of encouragement? Real help is
available from real homeschool moms who guarantee to help you kick off
the best year ever. (Expo's have a cost involved, and the link will take you to the opportunity to buy the Expo.)For those who struggle silently at home with special needs children, this session is especially for you. More than just a pep-talk that "you can do this too," these sessions give you real help from those who have been successful in working with children. These are proven and tested ideas from the two of the trainers themselves, Tara Jenner (a homeschool mom) and Jane Davis who has pioneered brain potentials with phenomenal results. You will hear from Michael Hughes and expert on teaching reading and grammar, Christine Field, a past homeschool mom and attorney who discusses your rights, and Attorney Dorcey that shares how to plan financially for your children, and so more! (Expo's have a cost involved, and the clicking the banner link will take you to the opportunity to buy the Expo.)
Encouraging homeschooling families with special needs children, in ways that
the Lord Jesus Christ and
equipping parents to confidently homeschool their children with
special needs or disabilities.
Encouraging families to find the will of God in their lives.
Currently in America, hundreds of families are homeschooling children
whose special needs range from attention deficit disorder to severe
multiple handicaps. Parents often find that when they bring these
children home to be educated, they come out of the "deep freeze" that
has kept them from making significant progress in traditional settings.
I began my blog to reach out and help other families homeschooling with
special needs. My blog Special Needs Homeschooling has grown since then
bigger than I ever imagined. My blog now has a Facebook page and group
that are highly active. I have written several articles for The Old
Schoolhouse,, several ezines and several group blogs.
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