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Review: A+ Tutorsoft


Just the word can send many homeschool moms running for the hills. In our 5 years of homeschooling, we've tried at least that many math programs. We've yet to use the same math curriculum 2 years in a row. Nothing seems to click well with my son. 

So I was excited to get to try A+ Tutorsoft, in exchange for an honest review. My son loves the computer, and since this is a software-based program, I had high hopes it would click with him.  

A+ Tutorsoft is interactive, easy to implement and, for the most part, does the teaching for you. We received the Interactive MATH Full Curriculum CD for 5th grade. On the CD were the year's worth of lessons with a suggested lesson plan, interactive flashcards, printable worksheets with practice problems, printable exams, and a solutions guide.

My son has not minded using this math program. Because it is self-paced, he has not found it overwhelming, even though he has found it challenging. I have appreciated that when I see an area where he needs extra work, there are the printable worksheets for reinforcement. But if he is getting a concept easily, he can move on to the next lesson. We have also appreciated that lessons are presented using audio, visual and textual presentations. Sometimes he needs all 3 in order to understand. The solutions manual gives step-by-step instructions -- very helpful for this mom who doesn't care for math much more than her son. When I found myself needing to explain why he didn't get an answer correct, I appreciated very much having those step-by-step instructions to show him.

The graphics are nice and simple, with splashes of color, but not childish. My son noticed that there weren't the cartoonish characters common in many software and online math programs we've used. Because our math review schedule has been a bit on the heavy side this year, we aren't even halfway through this year's CD, but we will continue using it through the summer. I am seeing definite progress and he doesn't complain about doing math with A+ Tutorsoft. That's a testimony that many of you won't quite understand. But trust me, it's speaks volumes. Looking forward to what's coming, I am quite impressed with the subject matter taught in the 5th Grade curriculum -- Fractions, Percents, Geometry, Algebra, Graphs, and Probability. 

If you're like me and would like a program where your child can learn independently, with little time investment in planning and implementation for you, at an affordable price, and with an interactive, comprehensive program, A+ Tutorsoft might just be the answer you're looking for.

Click to see a demo video of A+ Tutorsoft.
Click to learn about A+ Tutorsoft's online option.

Disclamier: I received this product for free, in exchange for my honest review. Opinions are those of myself and /or my son. This review is also posted at --Marcy Crabtree


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