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Review: Full-Time Parenting A Guide to Family-Based Discipleship by Israel Wayne

If you're a typical working parent, according to Israel Wayne's newest book, Full-Time Parenting A Guide to Family-Based Discipleship, you are spending just 19 minutes per day looking after your own children.

Pair this statistic with the even more sobering statistics mentioned in his book regarding the number of hours a child spends away from home during the day, hours and type of media consumption and exposure to "non-parental information and life-changing worldviews" and you may not be surprised that according to Mr. Wayne, "65-88% of all Christian youth leave the faith their freshman year of college. "

It begs the question, "Did they leave long before then?"  What is a concerned parent to do?

In Full-Time Parenting, A Guide to Family-Based Discipleship, Israel Wayne provides a blue-print to take back the raising of your own children and move from being a "part-time" parent to a "full-time" parent while establishing family-centered discipleship.

He addresses several areas of concern including

  • How to Be the Parent (chapter 1) "Train their hearts, not just their behavior."
  • What is The Father's Role (chapter 4) "Keep an eternal perspective."
  • Helping the Hyperactive Child (chapter 6) "Training is for the child's good."
  •  Family Culture (chapter 8)
  • Technology, Keeping Your Marriage Strong, Education, Parenting by Grace, and more.

 Mrs. Israel Wayne (Brook Wayne) also contributes a chapter on "Living on One Income."  Her insightfulness in addressing underlying reasons couples tend to reject the idea of living on one income and her gentle admonishment to learn to be content is honest and convicting.

An especially poignant and helpful chapter by Israel Wayne's mother, Skeet Savage, provides encouragement, comfort, advice and hope for the single parent.

Though I feel I am a "seasoned" parent and have long embraced the idea of being a full-time parent, Full-Time Parenting, A Guide to Family Based Discipleship was a good reminder that there is still work to be done.  I can only say I wish I had had this book 24 years ago when we started our family!

Full-Time Parenting, A Guide to Family-Based Discipleship is the cure for distracted parenting and is the answer for the cultural war on the family.  I highly recommend!

You can find out more about Mr. Israel Wayne below.

 Israel Wayne, Homeschool Speaker

(This review is also posted at  I received no compensation or free product for this review.~ Gina Glenn)


  1. I couldn't agree with him more completely. I'm so excited to hear him speak at CHEK and to purchase his books!


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