Homeschooling: Preference or Conviction?
Why do you homeschool? What will define success for you when your children are grown? What is a Biblical philosophy of education? This keynote session focuses on what is really important. Israel will share what has helped his family avoid burnout and frustration in their many years of homeschooling.Homeschooling From A Biblical Worldview
Are your children prepared to face the “real world”? Learn how to equip your children to stand against the flood of secularism and humanism that threatens to drown them. What is your worldview? How will you transfer a Biblical worldview to your children? How can you be more effective than the media and popular culture? Discover how to teach your children to view the core subjects (and all of life) through the lens of Scripture.Full-time Parenting--Workshop
The average parent spends about 19 minutes per day interacting with his or her child. In contrast, a student in public schools receives over 12,000 hours of instruction by high school graduation, mostly by secular teachers who are shaping their worldview. When you add to this the 7.5 hours per day that students spend engaged in digital media, plus time with peers and extra-curricular activities, it is clear that most Christian parents today are not the most influential factors in the lives of their children. Learn what it takes to move from being your child’s part-time baby-sitter to becoming a Full-time Parent. Israel Wayne is a homeschooled graduate who is leading his generation in defending the Christian faith and developing a Biblical worldview. He is the author of the book Homeschooling from a Biblical Worldview. Israel is a regular columnist for Home School Digest and Brush Arbor Quarterly, published by Wisdom’s Gate (, where he currently serves as the Marketing Director. He is also the site editor for
Since 1995, Israel has been a popular conference speaker, and a frequent guest on national radio programs discussing home education and cultural issues from a Biblical perspective. Israel’s family began home educating in 1978 and has been featured in national and international publications including TIME Magazine, The Arizona Republic, The Boston Globe, and the Wall Street Journal. Israel has been featured as the keynote speaker at various state homeschool conferences, with over 5,000 in attendance.
Israel and his wife Brook were joined in marriage without dating and share their testimony of God’s faithfulness on an audiobook titled, What God Has Joined Together. Israel and Brook, also a homeschool graduate, are home educating their seven young children, and Brook is a regular columnist for An Encouraging Word magazine.
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