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CHEK Conference "Thank You!"

I wanted to THANK everyone who gave of their time to put on our local CHEK Conference this past weekend, June 22-23, 2012. 

WOW! I almost didn't go, after homeschooling more than 20 years and beginning to settle into the "over it" mode. You know when your in surviving mode instead of thriving.
I went at the urging of Gina Glenn who promised me I would love the speakers this year. (Funny I remember a time I would go for the vendors only.) This year was DIFFERENT! Although I did have a blast moving through the vendor area and seeing all the great stuff and mingling with wonderful people. My real motivation for going this year was a good old shot in the arm.
I needed my inspiration back and I GOT IT!!! The speakers were TOP NOTCH! 

I had thought it would be enough to go Friday only but after hearing Rick Green of Wallbuilders and Israel Wayne of Wisdom's Gate for the first time I knew I had to go back. It was obvious to us God had not only lead the Conference Leaders in their choice of speakers  but also providing for them to come. And we are so glad they did. Please keep bringing speakers with hearts and vision like theirs.

My teens LOVED the TEEN TRACK: Carol Topp's, Micro Business Class  and How To Publish Your Own Book. 
They too, were super inspired listening to Joel Grewe of HSLDA Joshua Generation

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! to ALL the  CHEK Conference Visionaries and Administrators. You brought to our area GREAT LEADERS to INSPIRE our families to keep the Torch burning BRIGHTLY in our homes for JESUS. I was reminded that I home educate out of obedience and of what a HIGH CALLING it is. 
I came home with "You Have But One Life To Give" resonating in my spirit and ready to once again, give it all for the Glory of The One I serve and owe my life to.

Although it was a small conference in comparison to the Midwest Conference in Cincinnati, I still couldn't be at two places at once, and knew I was missing some great breakout sessions as I had to choose just one. I regrettably did not get to hear Mrs. Ruth Smith of The Pilgrims Institute ( but I have in the past been privileged to sit under her tutelage)   and you can be sure my older children did go to her sessions and were blessed. She is a wonderful treasure and I was amazed and honored by her presence at our CHEK Conference.

 There was plenty to do and see and just enough time to do it all in. I will be back with my whole family next time. Hopefully I will encourage others to write next years conference on their calendars too. 

My two personal notes to remember for next year: 
1) Bring a sweater (  although it is 90 degrees outside it is air-conditioned on the inside.)
 2) coloring book/stuff etc... to busy youngest children in meetings.

In Service of THE ONE who set me free,
Alicia Ahlers


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