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Showing posts from April, 2013

CHEK Action Item: from HSLDA

Urgent Calls Needed—Congress Prepares to Tax Internet Sales Dear HSLDA Members and Friends: HSLDA President Mike Smith has been an advocate of homeschooling for more than 30 years. Read more >> Dear HSLDA Members and Friends, The U.S. Senate is preparing to vote on allowing taxation of internet sales. The vote will come as early as this afternoon. The bill is S. 743, the so-called “Marketplace Fairness Bill.” While this is not a homeschool issue, this legislation will directly affect HSLDA, as well as many homeschool families who operate home businesses and sell items online. Currently, a small business only needs to collect sales taxes in states where the business has a physical presence. The proposed Senate legislation will give the states the authority to force businesses to collect sales taxes from all online customers, even if the customer lives in a state where the small business has no physical presence. HSLDA believes that this will significantl...

#StopCommonCore Call your Senators

Please call your two U.S. senators and urge them to stop the Common Core Curriculum Dear HSLDA Members and Friends: HSLDA President Mike Smith has been an advocate of homeschooling for more than 30 years. Read more >> HSLDA strongly opposes the Common Core State Standards Initiative, and the curriculum, tests, and databases that are being created as part of this misguided attempt to nationalize our nation’s education system. You can read our recent article on the Common Core here , and our recent article on national databases here . You can watch a video interview of HSLDA’s Director of Federal Relations discussing the Common Core here . Thankfully, Senator Chuck Grassley (Iowa) understands the problems with the Common Core, and is urging his fellow senators to oppose the federal government’s funding and support of this nationalized curriculum. He is circulating a letter to senators urging them to sign onto the letter to stop the federal government’...